What if I were to tell you that having a normal period IS possible. 

And that it is possible for YOU!



Can you imagine having a period that arrives on time, not too early and not too late.  No irritability. No mood swings. No headaches. No food cravings.  No PMS. No Pain. A Normal bleed, not too heavy and not too light.



Well believe it, because it can happen.   




Let’s talk about periods, they are important!  So important that many, including myself, consider your menstrual cycle to be your 5th vital sign.  Your period is your monthly health report card, it is an expression of your overall health. 


Regardless of your age, your situation, whether you’ve been on the pill for 20 years or never, it’s time to get to know your period and hear what it’s trying to tell you.  Your monthly cycle provides you with an incredible amount of information about your health, giving you the chance to dig deeper and make healthy changes.


As an ND, I rely very heavily on this monthly report card to help all my patients with period problems and fertility issues.  In actual fact, I ask ALL my female patients about their cycle as this can often give me the inside scoop on their health, even if they are not seeing me for period issues.


A healthy woman should have a period that arrives smoothly, on time, regularly and with no other symptoms.  If this doesn’t sound like your period, then there is an underlying health issue that is calling your name and needs to be addressed.  Not only to improve your period, but to improve your overall health.


More and more women are saying NO to the pill, and YES to having natural monthly cyclesFor decades, women have been prescribed the pill for birth control, and almost always as a solution to period problems. 


Here’s the truth:  there are better options for birth control and FAR BETTER, MORE EFFECTIVE & SAFER solutions to treating period problems. 


The Pill does work!  BUT at a pretty high price.  It provides strong synthetic hormones that work by completely turning OFF our natural hormones and suppressing ovarian function.  It’s a catch-all solution that will certainly lead to much greater problems down the road.


It’s difficult to compete with such a super powerful PILL while a more natural approach to understanding and treating your period problems require much more time, patience and work.  But I will promise you something, IT WILL BE WORTH IT!  A natural approach to your period is not only gentle and without side effects, but when it does work … it works! And when it works it’ll be forever, as long as you stay healthy.


Getting in touch with your natural cycle and taking the appropriate steps to address underlying imbalances will offer you permanent solutions to your period problems that will do wonders for your overall health.  



My Healthy Period Program is a natural treatment plan for better hormones &  healthier periods  (and if you are trying or wanting a baby in the near future … it will also optimize your fertility!)


We will start by assessing your cycle.  What should your period be like?  What’s normal, what is not and what does it all mean?   What’s happening with your period? Does it come every month? Does it come at all? Is it heavy or painful or difficult in some way? Maybe you’ve just come off the pill, or are thinking about coming off the pill.



Common period problems may include:

  • Period pain
  • No ovulation
  • No periods at all
  • Irregular periods
  • Short cycles
  • Long cycles
  • Light bleeding
  • Heavy bleeding
  • Pain at ovulation or bleeding/spotting with ovulation
  • Abnormal discharge or no discharge
  • Bleeding between periods or frequent spotting during your cycle or before your period
  • PMS symptoms that may or may not be accompanied by depression/anxiety, breast pain, acne, migraines/headaches, fatigue, food cravings
  • Uterine fibroids
  • Adenomyosis
  • Endometriosis
  • Ovarian cysts



I will prescribe natural, basic yet very effective treatments that include:

  • Diet
  • Nutritional supplements
  • Herbal medicine
  • Acupuncture
  • Bioidentical hormones (if required)


I promise you that your treatment will not involve the Birth Control Pill.  But it will certainly involve a conversation about the Pill (especially if you’ve taken it in the past) as we will have to undo much of the damage that’s been done.



General Maintenance is necessary for healthy periods and we will take a closer look at the following:

  • Sleep
  • Exercise
  • Chronic inflammation
  • Anti-inflammatory diet
  • Macronutrients & micronutrients for healthy periods
  • Food sensitivities & candida (which may worsen underlying period issues)



Other questions you may have.

Are you thinking of coming off the pill but are afraid to because of a fear of irregular cycles, heavy bleeding, hair loss, acne?  I promise you this doesn’t have to be the case.  Let’s talk about a plan to come off the pill to minimize all of these negative effects all the while re-storing your hormonal balance.


If not the Pill, then what are my options for safe birth control?  There are many great options for birth control, all better and safer alternatives to the pill.  Let’s talk about all your options.




A final message:  Trust your body.  Your body wants to be healthy.  It wants to have healthy periods.  Treat the cause, and play the long game.  Stick with your treatment.  Trust your body.  Dr. Lara Briden, ND


About Dr. Renée – Guelph Naturopath

Dr. Renée GuelphIn 2004, I received an undergraduate degree with honours in Human Nutrition from the University of Guelph and became a Nutritionist.  After realizing that being a dietician was not what I was destined to become, I moved to Toronto and completed a four year doctorate program in Naturopathic Medicine at the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine (CCNM). I became a Naturopathic Doctor in 2008.   I am a member in good standing of the Canadian Association of Naturopathic Doctors (CAND), the Ontario Association of Naturopathic Doctors (OAND), the Pediatric Association of Naturopathic Physicians (pedANP), and am licensed by the College of Naturopathic Physicians of Ontario.  I have also completed additional naturopathic courses in fertility, pre- and post-natal care, pediatrics, obstetrics and breastfeeding.
Are you interested but you have more questions?  Send me a message either by using the online contact form, the live chat option, by email (reneeparadis.nd@live.com) or by phone 519.829.6011.  I’d be happy to answer your questions.